Characterization Services


Thermal Characterization
As operating frequency increases and transistors decrease in size, the power densities of devices are becoming higher and higher. The need for small form factor and functional integration (MCM/SiP) present some challenges to thermal management. ATXKS provides simulation and measurement services that help our customers to overcome these thermal issues. These services include:

Throughout pre-design phases:
Package thermal resistance simulation
Heat sink effect evaluations
Preliminary thermal studies for advanced packages

Throughout design phases:
Hot spots impact evaluations
Customized heat sink effects

Throughout post-design phases:
Thermal measurements

Thermal measurements include the measurements for package thermal parameters:
JA (Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance)
JC (Junction-to-case thermal resistance)
JB (Junction-to-board thermal resistance)
JT (Junction-to-top thermal characterization parameter)
JB (Junction-to-board thermal characterization parameter)


Electrical Characterization
The electrical team at ATXKS is dedicated to providing IC package electrical characteristic design and analysis in terms of simulation and measurement. We also work closely with customers to provide customized IC packaging solutions. Our characterization services include:

R.L.C for critical Traces
R.L.C for Min/Max Traces
IBIS Model
Power Noise Analysis
Ground Noise Analysis
Impedance Analysis
Cross Talk Noise Analysis
Noise Isolation Analysis
Signal Integrity Analysis
S-parameters Analysis
Customized Design Service

Stress & Reliability

Reliability Characterization
Reliability characterization is used to analyze package reliability through measurement. Analysis also consists of root cause investigation into packaging failure (like die crack, delamination) and optimal design for low stress and high reliability. Our characterization service includes:

Board Level Reliability Test and Simulation
Temperature cyclic test
Drop test (under set up)
Failure analysis

Failure Analysis
Encapsulant: Incomplete fill / Wire sweep / Warpage / Delamination / Void
Silver epoxy: Outgassing / Delamination / Void / Bleed
Substrates: Warpage / Contamination / Crack
Flux: Flux residue / Outgassing / Corrosion
Lead frame: Contamination / Moisture uptake
Under fill: Delamination / Void

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