企业永续 (CSR/ESG)

合规经营 Regulatory Compliance

We conduct all our business activities in strict compliance with relevant laws. To ensure legal compliance, ATX Group maintains regular updates on domestic and foreign laws and policies that affect its operations, and prioritizes regulatory compliance at all of its business locations. ATX Group follow regulatory compliance, assists and supervises activities at ATX Group’s subsidiaries to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations. Establishing an inventory, regular updating, identification and compliance reviews of regulations continue to form the core of ATX Group’s regulatory compliance program. With the program in place, ATX Group was able to ensure continuous and effective compliance as well as apply risk control mechanisms to assess potential risk exposures.

责任采购 Responsible Procurement

ATX Group is committed to partnering with our suppliers to ensure that workers are treated with respect and dignity, working conditions in ATX Group's supply chain are safe, and that business operations are environmentally responsible and conducted ethically. The supply chain is a critical extension of the ATX Group value chain. We are actively involved in the sustainable development of our supply chain to ensure that our tier-1 suppliers and contractors provide high-quality products and services to ATX Group in a sustainable, ethical and responsible fashion.

雇佣管理 Employment Management

ATX Group and its subsidiaries are committed to safeguarding the human rights of employees and value chain partners (including customers, suppliers/contractors, agents, joint ventures and consortia partners and local communities) and promoting the sustainable development of the environment, society and economy. ATX Group’s approach is designed in support of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Global Compact, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. ATX Group is also committed to upholding local laws and regulations in the countries where ATX Group operates, and reviewing the implementation of its human rights policies on a regular basis.
ATX Group is committed to providing workers with a safe, healthy, and conducive work environment. To ensure the health and safety of employees, and prevent accidents at the workplace, we have formulated comprehensive procedures for managing occupational health and safety ("OHS"). The OHS Committees at ATX Group’s facilities are tasked to keep abreast of local regulatory updates and evaluate internal policies, emergency response and environmental safety procedures, so as to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. On an annual basis, we perform hazard identification and risk assessment procedures. For high-risk work environments, immediate risk control measures are put in place to reduce risks.

创新服务 Innovative Services

Innovation is the key to sustainable human development. Through innovation, ATX Group improves product value, makes human lives easier in a smart era and elevates social well-being. We take into careful consideration regarding Smart Manufacturing - integrating environmental protection and social innovation at a product's design stage. As a result, ATX Group has produced more efficient products and helped customers lower their power consumption when using our products, contributing to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. The effects of product usage on human health were also considered and efforts have been made to manufacture products.

绿色制造与低碳转型 Green Manufacturing and Low Carbon Transformation

ATX Group is committed to improving our eco-efficiency and protecting the environment by continuously enhancing resources recycling, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, waste generation, wastewater effluent, and chemical usage. ATX Group strives to develop and promote an environmental friendly manufacturing and service concept in all facets of its enterprise. From material procurement, design, manufacturing, product use and disposal, we conscientiously incorporate environmental impact factors at all stages of life cycle to provide green and low-carbon manufacturing services.

社会公益 Social Engagement

The community has played an important role supporting ATX Group’s growth. We therefore, have a responsibility to exert our social influence and give back to the community in the locations our businesses operate in. An active participant in education planning, and social work, ATX Group’s optimal allocation of resources allows it to continuously give back to the community and spread positive impacts. ATX Group is fulfilling corporate citizenship by engaging with local communities, environmental NGOs, and stakeholders in the industry, government and academic sectors. The company seeks to establish mutually trusting long-term partnerships and invest in resources to promote overall social development and value creation and strengthen the value of our sustainable innovations that will result in employee cohesiveness, and higher stakeholder confidence.

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